Rajgarh:Senior Congress leader and former Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Digvijay Singh's car rammed into a two-wheeler in Rajgarh's Zirapur on Thursday. The motorcyclist received minor injuries and was admitted to a hospital for treatment. An FIR has been registered against Singh's driver. The injured was identified as 28-year-old Bablu, a resident of Parolia and works as a labourer. As per the CCTV footage, after colliding with the car, the bike struck a pole and the motorcyclist fell on the road and suffered head injuries.
As the car halted after the accident, Singh alighted from the vehicle and rushed to check the condition of the injured. A crowd also gathered at the spot. The Congress leader immediately sent the injured to a hospital for treatment. Later on, the man was referred to a hospital in Bhopal for better treatment. Singh told reporters that the bike had suddenly come in front of his car as a result of which the accident occurred. He said the man received minor injuries and his condition was stable now. Singh, later on, went to the hospital and enquired about the condition of the injured.