Mandla (Madhya Pradesh):Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi on Thursday accused the BJP of snatching away the rights that Congress had given to people when it was in power. She also said that 250 scams were recorded during the current tenure of the BJP-led Shivraj Singh Chouhan government.
Speaking at a rally in Madhya Pradesh's Mandla, Gandhi said that Congress has always aimed at strengthening people but BJP works otherwise. She alleged that all the rights and benefits that were given to people by the Congress were snatched away by the BJP when it came to power.
"Whatever rights Congress gave you and all work we did to strengthen you have been snatched away from you by the BJP. Now, sarpanch doesn't have rights and MGNREGA has not even been implemented. There are no jobs in villages and farmers are not getting the minimum support price for their crops", Gandhi said.
She said that Kamal Nath distributed land pattas during its short tenure of 15 months. But, that work too has been stalled by the current government, she alleged.