Jabalpur: Former BJP minister Anchal Sonkar and his son Vivek Ram Sonkar are making headlines once again for allegedly inciting religious violence by tampering the voice of former Congress minister and circulating the fake audio on social media. Agitated Congress workers fenced the SP office in Jabalpur on Wednesday.
Workers also warned of a fierce agitation if Vivek Ram Sonkar has not been arrested in the next 48 hours.
A few days ago, Congress MLA Vinay Saxena organised a Jan Adhikar Yatra which was attended by the former minister Sajjan Singh Verma and former minister Lakhan Ghanghoria. During the yatra, Lakhan Ghanghoria had raised slogans like Dengue Wali Sarkar. The Congress alleged that Vivek Sonkar has tampered the word "Dengue" with "Hindu" in the slogan and circulated the tape on the social media platform.