Bhopal:Former Union minister and film actor Shatrughan Sinha has taken a dig at the politics in Madhya Pradesh. He says there are three camps in the BJP in Madhya Pradesh - "Maharaj, Dissent and Shivraj". Sinha on Tuesday tweeted in his inimitable style on the state of politics in Madhya Pradesh.
The Congress government in the state fell after former Union minister Jyotiraditya Scindia left the Congress and joined the BJP.
The government was formed under the leadership of Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan. It took more than three months to form the cabinet and now the party has to do a lot of thinking before distributing portfolios to ministers. Shatrughan Sinha's tweet is being linked to the same.
The Shivraj Singh Chouhan cabinet in Madhya Pradesh has been expanded, but the issue of portfolio distribution is still unresolved. Now, it has been learnt that it is the central BJP leadership which will decide who gets what in Madhya Pradesh.