Sagar (Madhya Pradesh): BJP leader and Urban Development and Housing Minister Bhupendra Singh during the prayer meeting of his daughter-in-law in Bamora on Thursday announced that his family has decided not to offer a funeral feast. He also appealed to the people present there to stop this practice. Singh also announced that his family members have decided to donate Rs 5 lakh to Shri Ram-Janaki temple instead of organising a funeral feast.
Addressing the gathering on the 13th day ceremony of his daughter-in-law Kiran Singh, Bhupendra Singh said, "Our scriptures do not mention offering a funeral feast. We must stop this practice in order to bring a change in society. This decision was taken after consulting all the family members and scholars. After a lot of discussions, we decided that we will not organise any funeral feast. We all have been practising this ritual for a long time, but it is not mentioned in any religious books."