Wayanad: Even when Karnataka blocked the vehicle movement including ambulances plying to Mangalore for medical emergencies for patients in Kasargod, Kerala has decided to keep Wayanad open for Karnataka border villages.
The borders to Wayanad district are to remain open to anyone residing in the villages along Kerala-Karnataka border who want to come to Wayanad for medical treatments or any other emergencies.
"People of Bairakuppa village in Karnataka will be allowed to enter Kerala for hospital emergencies," District Collector Adila Abdulla said.
Perikkallur Kadavu in Wayanad and Bairakuppa in Karnataka are the villages on both sides of River Kabani. People living in these areas mainly depend on Mananthavady District hospital and other hospitals in Pulpally for their medical needs.
Bairakuppa, which hardly has any medical facility, is just 25 km from Pulpally and Mananthavady. But the nearest place with medical facilities in Karnataka for the people of Bairakuppa to access is Mysore, which is 80 km away.