Thiruvananthapuram: Actor Maala Parvathy on Monday announced her resignation from the Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) of the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA), claiming that the organisation did not take any action against actor-producer Vijay Babu who has been charged with rape by a young actor.
Speaking to the media, Parvathy said the ICC had recommended action against Babu but its statement issued on Sunday does not sound like a disciplinary action. "AMMA's statement does not look like disciplinary action and as an ICC member, I cannot accept it. Hence, I have given my resignation from ICC," she told the media. Parvathy also said that the producer had disclosed the identity of the survivor and it is against the law.
AMMA had on Sunday in a release said the actor had given a letter to the organisation saying he wants to stay away from the executive committee in light of the allegations against him as he did not want the incident to bring discredit to the organisation. "The committee has discussed the letter given by Vijay Babu and accepted his demand," AMMA had said.