Thiruvananthapuram: Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee (KPCC) chief K Sudhakaran on Monday asked the LDF government to ensure that mandatory procedure are followed before registering a Vigilance case against a Member of Parliament like him. He dared the Marxist party-led government to prove the corruption charges against him and said he would end his political life if the investigators were able to do so.
"I am ready to face any probe, even if it is a CBI inquiry or judicial investigation. If they prove that I have committed any financial irregularity of even one rupee, I will quit politics forever," he told reporters here. The Kannur strongman also raised objections against the genuinity and background of the complainant, his former driver Prashanth Babu, who recently lodged a complaint of graft and misappropriation of funds against him with the Vigilance and Anti-Corruption Bureau.
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He also said it was understandable if a case was registered based on the complaint of a trustworthy person. Sudhakaran's reaction came a day after the Vigilance and Anti-Corruption Bureau said it had not ordered any preliminary inquiry into the complaint of graft and misappropriation of funds against the KPCC chief but only directed verification of the antecedents of the complainant. He alleged that the complainant was a person who had been expelled from the Congress party after it had become evident that he had tried to facilitate an opportunity to CPI(M) goons to kill him some time back.