Kollam: Kerala Police has arrested three of a family including two women from Tamil Nadu's Thenkasi in connection with the kidnapping of a six-year-old girl in Kerala's Kollam on Nov 27, sources said. Sources said that a special team of Kerala Police arrested the main accused KR Padmakumar (52), his wife and daughter, hailing from Chathannoor in Kollam district at a checkpoint in Puliyarai area of Tamil Nadu's Thenkasi on Friday afternoon.
The main accused Padmakumar is believed to have kidnapped the six-year-old girl near her residence in Oyoor in Kollam district of Kerala on Nov 27. However, the role by Padmakumar's wife and daughter arrested by the Kerala Police in the case was not immediately established. The girl was found abandoned the very next day at the Asramam Maidan area of Kollam.
Also read:Madhya Pradesh: Bike-borne men kidnap girl in broad daylight in Gwalior, abduction caught on cam