Kochi: Two passengers on board an Alliance Air Flight to Bangalore were arrested for allegedly attempting to open the emergency door of the plane while it was flying through the bay of Cochin International Airport in Kerala on Thursday night, sources said. The arrested passengers have been identified as Ramoji Korayil and Ramesh Kumar, both residents of Karnataka.
An official said that after noticing the suspicious activity of both the passengers, the flight crew swung into action and thwarted the dangerous move of the miscreants. According to the official, the two passengers tried to open the Emergency door several times after which the flight crew handed over the passengers to the Airport Authority.
As soon as the flight landed at the Cochin International Airport, the two passengers were arrested by Nedumbassery Police following a complaint lodged with the police station by the Cochin Airport officials, said an official. An official said that both the accused passengers were also banned from the proposed journey to Bangalore as a safety measure.