Thrissur (Kerala)Amid the COVID-19 lockdown curbs, the iconic 'Thrissur Pooram', known for the parade of richly caparisoned jumbos, performance of traditional music ensembles and a sea of cheering people, was held on Saturday in a low key manner with just a handful of people and inevitable rituals inside the Vadakkunnathan temple.
Billed as the mother of all temple festivals in Kerala, the annual pooram was normally held at the sprawling Thekkinkadu Maidan in Thrissur city.
The festival was a gathering of 'Pooram' and jumbo lovers around the globe who could be seen dancing to the rhythm of percussion instruments.
But, this year, the Thekkinkadu ground wore a deserted look as the Vadakkunnathan Lord Shiva temple cancelled the celebrations due the nationwide lockdown.
The state government and members of the two devaswom boards, which organises the festival, had held discussions and consulted the temple priests on April15 and unanimously decided to cancel the Pooram.
"After considering the unusual situation of pandemic we are facing, the state government and the devaswom
Boards have unanimously decided to cancel the famous Thrissur Pooram (festival) and will conduct only the necessary rituals," state minister V S Sunil kumar said.
The rituals were conducted on Saturday, inside the Vadakkunnathan temple with the participation of around five
people and devotees were not allowed inside.
All other events related to the Thrissur pooram, including the exhibition, mini-poorams also stood cancelled.