Kochi: Actor-Producer Vijay Babu accused of sexually assaulting a woman has stepped down from the executive committee of the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA). The actor will stay away from the Executive Committee of the organisation till he is proven innocent in the sexual assault case to save the association from 'disgrace'.
"Vijay Babu has sent a letter saying that he did not want to bring disgrace to the organization of which he is an Executive Committee member amid the allegations levelled against him. He would stay away from the Executive Committee for the time being until his innocence is proved. His letter (request) was discussed by AMMA and it has been approved," says the official statement of AMMA released by general secretary Edavela Babu. Meanwhile, Kerala High Court on Friday refused to consider the anticipatory bail plea of Vijay Babu in connection with the sexual assault case.
Also read:Fresh allegations against actor, pro-women outfit slams industry's silence on rape charge