Kozhikode: Kerala Police will submit the revised Investigation Report in the court on Friday Sept. 1 into the alleged medical negligence wherein the staff at the Kozhikode Medical College left a pair of scissors in the body of a woman during a cesarean section nearly five yearse ago, sources said. It is learnt that the revised report will be filed by the Police in the Kunnamangalam court on Friday.
Police is also expected to submit a plea seeking to question the victim woman in the case. The revised report by the police in the case comes weeks after the Medical Board rejected the police report in the case. A report filed by the Medical Board said that it was not certain that whether the scissors found in the woman's body were of Kozhikode Medical College.
Also read:Andhra Pradesh shocker: Doctors perform cesarean section, forget scissors in stomach; Collector orders probe
Police had said that the pair of scissors stuck inside the woman's body belonged to the medical college. Police had named assistant professor, junior resident and two nurses of the Kozhikode Medical College as guilty. The team is accused to have left behind a pair of scissors in the body of the victim Harshina during a cesarean section at the medical college way back on November 30, 2017.
The metal was removed on September 17 2022. In the case registered by the medical college police under the Medical Negligence Act, the investigation report was prepared within five months. The police concluded that the scissors got stuck in Harshina's body during the delivery surgery at the Kozhikode Medical College.
This report was rejected by the District Medical Board, but the police was proceeding with further action. Police is going to submit the new report after getting legal advice. The police had submitted the first report against the former superintendent and two unit doctors. The police is expected to request the court to remove them from the list.