Pathanamthitta: The total income at the Sabarimala temple located in Kerala's Pathanamthitta district touched Rs 52 crore in 10 days of the pilgrimage season, said Travancore Devaswom Board president K Ananthagopan. The president said the temple received Rs 2.58 crore towards sales of 'Appam' and Rs 23.57 crore towards the sales of 'Aravana'.
Sabarimala revenue touches Rs 52 cr in 10 days of pilgrimage season
Travancore Devaswom Board president K Ananthagopan said the total income at the Sabarimala temple touched Rs 52 crore in 10 days of the pilgrimage season. The temple received Rs 2.58 crore towards sales of 'Appam' and Rs. 23.57 crore towards the sales of 'Aravana'.
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As hundi revenue, the temple received Rs 12.73 crore. Last year, the revenue was only Rs.9.92 crore in the corresponding period as the devotees had to visit the temple sticking to strict Covid restrictions. "A majority of the revenue has been used for the conduct of the festival. All four routes to the temple have been opened and devotees could select any of them they liked. Devotees, who are willing to visit Sabarimala temple, can book their darshan tickets either online or by spot booking," the president said.
Sabarimala pilgrimage season