Pathanamthitta: Ahead of the annual pilgrimage season set to end on Friday, the hill temple dedicated to Lord Ayyappa in Kerala's Sabarimala has so far recorded an unforeseen revenue of more than Rs 310 crore. The amount, a significant leap from the previous high of Rs 260 crore recorded back in the 2018 season, comes after two years of COVID-induced closure. Speaking about the revenue, temple administration sources noted that the counting of coins worth around Rs 7 crore was pending and that 60 more people would be deputed to the same. The total donation count is expected to further climb close to Rs 330 crore.
Meanwhile, the Kerala High Court on Thursday issued directives to the Travancore Devaswom Board's (TDB) vigilance wing to ascertain whether there existed any lapses in donation packs and currency notes counting and accordingly file a report. A two-judge bench of the HC ordered the same in the wake of reports citing currency notes turning soiled and unusable.