Thiruvananthapuram:With the Enforcement Directorate (ED) raid at Bineesh Kodiyeri's residence coming to an end at 11 a.m on Thursday afternoon in connection with drugs-related money laundering case, Renita, his wife has alleged that the agency planted evidence at their home and even forced her to sign some documents.
Reportedly, Renita stated that she was asked to sign papers that ED said their officials had found an electronic payment card from the house.
ED said they have found a card (ATM card) belonging to Anoop Mohammed from the house and asked Renita to sign agreeing to it, to which she declined.
"The ED even told us that they will ‘save’ Bineesh if I sign those papers. However, we did not budge. We maintained that we will not sign in any paper that said the ED found the things that were not in our house. Bineesh is still in jail also because I have not signed the papers," Renitha told the media.
While the ED was leaving Bineesh’s house, the policemen attached to the Poojappura Police Station in Thiruvananthapuram blocked their vehicle and the Cantonment Assistant Commissioner (AC) Suneesh Babu asked the ED officials for an explanation on why they had stayed at Bineesh’s house for more than 24 hours in the name of the raid.
The police let the ED vehicle leave only after the ED team assured Poojappura AC that they will give him an explanation.
Also read: Court extends Bineesh Kodiyeri's ED custody
KV Manoj Kumar, chairperson of Commission for protection of Child Rights and other members of the Commission reached the house. Although, CRPF did not allow them either inside the house the Commission Chairperson kept shouting out that they had the judicial authority to do so. The commission issued a notice immediately demanding an explanation for withholding children for more than 24 hours.
After the CRPF personnel took the notice inside and handed over to the ED team, Bineesh’s wife Reneetta, their daughter and Reneetta’s mother Mini, came out of the house along with the CRPF personnel.
And as they talked to the relatives standing outside the gate, a woman constable with the CRPF forcefully took Bineesh’s wife back into the house.
The raid that started on Wednesday morning continued for the second day on Thursday at Bineesh Kodiyeri residence, who is Kerala CPI-M secretary Kodiyeri Balakrishnan son, and the family lives together.