Kannur: The academic council of Kannur University has approved the new syllabus revised by the Board of Studies as per the directive of an expert committee. The university has reportedly made changes to the controversial syllabus in the newly started PG (Governance and Politics). The books by Deendayal Upadhyaya and Balraj Madhok will be excluded from the syllabus while the works of Gowalkar and Savarkar will be taught. In addition, Gandhian, Islamic and socialist streams will be included in the revised syllabus.
It is learnt that the syllabus was examined by an expert committee consisting of U. Pavithran, former head of Political Science, University of Kerala, and Prabhash, former head of Political Science of the University of Calicut. The updated syllabus has given priority to Muslim, socialist and Dravidian philosophies. With this, the controversy came to an end.