New Delhi: The former Congress president and Kerala's Wayanad MP Rahul Gandhi's request to grant Rs 2.7 crore to his Lok Sabha Constituency from his MLPAD to buy ventilators, test kits and other essentials to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, was accepted by the government of India.
Rahul had earlier requested to release the fund through his MPLAD fund according to the Congress leader's dedicated Twitter account for his Wayanad Lok Sabha Constituency.
"Rahul Gandhi has requested the urgent release of Rs. 2.70 crore under his MPLAD funds for purchasing ventilators, test kits, PPEs and other medical equipment for our flight against the COVID-19 pandemic," the tweet read.
Read:COVID-19: FM makes Rs 1.7 lakh crore worth announcements; know how will it help you
It is noted Congress MPs from Kerala Shashi Tharoor, AK Antony have also come out with the same step to provide financial assistance to brave the crisis under the MPLAD.
It is noted Congress has been urging the union government to release financial assistance to Dalit wage workers, fishermen and farmers in this lock down period. Congress president Sonia Gandhi had written a letter demanding the PM to release assistance for the marginalised sections.
Also, Rahul Gandhi has welcomed the move of Union government announcing financial packages.
"The Govt announcement today of a financial assistance package, is the first step in the right direction. India owes a debt to its farmers, daily wage earners, labourers, women & the elderly who are bearing the brunt of the ongoing lockdown," Rahul Gandhi said in a tweet.