Thiruvananthapuram:Kerala police on Monday suspended two civil police officers for dereliction of duty in attending the 49-year old woman, who complained of sexual harassment in Vanchiyur Moolavilakam Junction last week. Police said lack of clarity in the CCTV footage was making it difficult for them to identify the accused properly and nab him even after three days after the complaint was lodged. Thy have also sought help from to investigate the case. The Pettah police that is investigating the case had registered it three days after the incident. The accused will be arrested very soon, police said.
The incident dates back to March 13 when the complainant had gone to purchase medicines on a two-wheeler at Moolavilakam Junction in Vanchiyur at 11 pm. She was brutally beaten by a man, who came on a bike. The woman, who lives with her daughter, returned home after the incident. She related whatever had happened to her daughter. The woman then reported the incident to the police but no action was taken against the accused.