Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala) : BJP leader and National Executive Member P K Krishnadas on April 22 said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Kerala is disturbing certain groups in the State. While speaking to the media he said, “The Intelligence Report of PM's visit turned out to be quite a serious concern, but his visit will not be cancelled and the state government should enquire about this fault from their side.”
The BJP leader launched a scathing attack on the Kerala government in the wake of a security breach and an alleged threat letter to assassinate the Prime Minister during his forthcoming visit. An ANI report quoted Krishnadas as saying that the arrival of PM Modi is disturbing certain people and it is usual for some religious groups and terror outfits to get disturbed.
Moreover, PM's Kerala visit is expected to bring in some political changes in the state wherein his public meetings and interactions can influence and make a major impact among the local youth, Krishnadas said. The best example is that unlike before, both the LDF (Left Democratic Front) and Congress are trying to conduct similar events to gather youth, which means BJP and NDA are creating an impact here, he said.