Thiruvananthapuram: Kerala chief minister Pinarayi Vijayan has directed to revoke the controversial MoU with EMCC over a Deep-Sea Trawling contract. Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan directed to cancel the MoU and conduct an inquiry against the Kerala Shipping and Inland Navigation Corporation officials.
The Chief Minister in a press conference yesterday said that a detailed examination will be carried out on the MoU. Vijayan also said that neither the state government nor any of its departments have not sanctioned deep sea fishing.
Meanwhile, fisheries minister J Mercykutty Amma also condemned that controversy over the contract. The minister said the controversy was a result of a conspiracy between opposition leader Ramesh Chennithala and representatives of EMCC.
Earlier, opposition leader Ramesh Chennithala had accused Vijayan of being involved in a controversial decision to give assent to a deep-sea fishing contract to a US-based firm. The opposition leader had said that the LDF government was trying to hide everything and couldn't answer any of his queries.