Thiruvananthapuram: Kerala Forest Minister A K Saseendran met Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan at his residence on Wednesday amid furore over his alleged intervention in sexual harassment allegation against a Nationalist Congress Party leader. Saseendran ruled out rumours over his resignation over the row, after the meeting and said he conveyed whatever he wanted to the CM. The Left Democratic Front government was in the spotlight after the row, while the Assembly session is to commence on Thursday.
The row erupted after an audio clip, purportedly of Saseendaran went viral on social media. In the audio clip, Saseendran is allegedly heard asking a harassment victim's father to settle the issue amicably. As the issue got heated up, the United Democratic Front, the opposition party has launched a scathing attack on the government. The Youth Congress lodged complaint to the Governor and the Women's Commission against the Minister on Tuesday. The NCP has appointed a commission to probe the incident.