Wayanad (Kerala):The Kerala forest officials managed to get the 'killer tiger' of Koodallur caged after 10 days of intense search. This was the first nest set up as part of the mission. In a mammoth exercise, the Forest Department has put up 25 cameras to monitor the tiger's movements. Three cages with live bait were placed to trap the tiger that reportedly killed a farmer and attacked cattle at the Koodallur and Kallur Kunnu areas under the South Wayanad forest division.
People demand killing of man-eating tiger caged after 10 days in Kerala's Wayanad
The Kerala forest officials managed to get the 'killer tiger' of Koodallur caged after 10 days of intense search. Three cages with live bait were placed to trap the tiger that reportedly killed a farmer and attacked cattle at the Koodallur and Kallur Kunnu areas under the South Wayanad forest division.
Published : Dec 18, 2023, 8:44 PM IST
Meanwhile, widespread footprints were also seen in this area on Sunday. An 80-member expert team from the forest department conducted combing operations to capture the elusive tiger for almost a week. In addition, the locals have supported the forest guards in their efforts with the demand to kill the tiger first-hand on the spot.
However, the forest department tried to take the caged tiger to the tiger management centre. On the contrary, the villagers opposed their decision following this, and the police have also reached the spot. The forest officials identified the killer tiger as WWL 45. The Chief Wildlife warden also issued a shoot order to kill or catch the tiger. Prajeesh, a Wakeri resident and dairy farmer, was killed last Saturday while he was collecting grass from the farm. His body was found half eaten by the tiger.