Kollam (Kerala): Election time is also a time for experiments. Party insignias being printed on the COVID masks was a novel trend during the civic body polls, in December 2020. This time, another interesting experiment with the party insignia and candidates’ faces is being done with food at a Dosa shack in Kollam district in Kerala. Aesthetically drawn party symbols and candidates’ faces presented on hot dosas have been grabbing attention and drawing people to the '101 Variety Dosa' shack on Kollam Beach road.
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The symbol of ‘Sickle, Hammer and Star’ with tomato sauce, carrot and mayonnaise mixed to make a ‘Hand symbol’, and a ‘Lotus’ blooms with plain grated carrot are made as hot dosas get crispier on the iron tawa. Besides the party symbols, the faces of candidates also get aesthetically presented with food ingredients on dosas.
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Candidates’ faces are also drawn as a portrait as per demand. It was Kollam Left Democratic Front (LDF) candidate and actor Mukesh’s portrait that first made it to the dosas here. Dosa master Santhosh and the shack owner Shyam together make the party insignia and the candidate portraits on dosas.