New Delhi: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Saturday filed a charge sheet against two accused for their involvement in the recruitment of youths for the proscribed terrorist organization CPI (Maoist).
The charge sheet filed at the NIA special court at Ernakulam in Kerala pertains to the recruitment of youths and training of such youths by CPI (Maoist) leaders and their frontal organizations besides organizing camps to further carry out their activities and spread Maoist ideologies. The case was registered suo-moto by the NIA on February 3 this year.
An investigation has revealed that accused Sanjay Deepak Rao alias Vikas, a Central Committee Member from the Western Ghats Special Zonal Committee (WGSZC) of CPI (Maoist), Pinaka Pani alias Pani and Varalakshmi, members of the Revolutionary Writers Association, a frontal organization of CPI (Maoist) in Andhra Pradesh, Sreekanth of Wayanad andAnjaneyalu alias Sudhakar of Andhra Pradesh had radicalized Chaithanya alias Surya to join the proscribed terrorist organization CPI (Maoist).