Thiruvananthapuram: In an exclusive interview with ETV Bharat, Dr TP Sreenivasan, former Indian Ambassador at the United States of America and an international affairs expert, spoke about the Kalapani issue and the bilateral ties between India and Nepal.
Stating that the current move by Nepal is very provocative, Sreenivasan said that if Nepal goes ahead with the constitutional amendment bill, it cannot be returned to India, even if they want to, at a later stage.
"It is not expected that Nepal will agitate India and move ahead with the amendment. Let us hope that both the countries will solve the issue amicably through dialogues," he said.
Sreenivasan said that Nepal is now trying to play pressure tactics against India.
"Nepal makes it appear as if it is building a close tie with China and gain from India using that strategy. However, the special treaty between Nepal and India is very different from the bilateral relations Nepal holds with China. India has been reminding Nepal about this continuously in the bilateral dialogues. Nepal cannot move a step forward without cooperating with India. The petroleum products imported by India at an exorbitant cost are being given to Nepal for free," he said.