Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala): The Kerala police have began their probe into the alleged foul play in the death of a 17-year-old girl at a religious institution in Thiruvananthapuram'sBalaramapuram. The police have questioned the fellow students and her teachers and the staff of the Madrasa to establish the reason behind the extreme step.
A native of Beemapally, the minor was a student of Al Aman Madrasa, a Muslim religious institution, and was found hanging inside a library on May 13. According to police sources, the deceased girl called her mother over phone on Saturday and had asked her to take her home from the institution in the afternoon. As sought for, the mother of the minor girl came to the Madrasa at around 4.30 pm. The school authorities who were not able to locate the girl asked her mother to wait. As the mother waited for about 2 hours, the staff located the girl hanging in the library. They moved her to a hospital in the vicinity at around 6 pm. The doctors who checked the girl on arrival declared her brought dead.
The deceased girl was living on the campus of the Al Aman Religious School, in Balaramapuram for almost more than one year to complete her studies. The girl had earlier complained to her family about a "mental harassment" issue that she was being subjected to by the staff. The family claimed that the the girl often complained that the 'Ustad' and a teacher of the institution continued to criticise her.