Thiruvananthapuram:Despite coming under flak over his decision, Delhi Metro's first and iconic Managing Director E. Sreedharan on Thursday evening joined the BJP during its state chief K. Surendran's yatra in Malappuram district.
"The decision to join the BJP marks a new phase in my life. I always wanted to do something for Kerala... I felt it would be best to join the BJP and I have done that," Sreedharan said at the public meeting, thanking top BJP leaders for making it possible.
Popularly known as the Metroman, he had enjoyed a cult image not only in Kerala, but across the country for his work and respect cutting across political lines. However, things took a nosedive from the moment Surendran last week broke the news that the 88-year-old will not only join the BJP, but also contest the upcoming Assembly polls.
Elattuvalapil Sreedharan is credited with changing the face of public transport in India with his leadership in building the Konkan Railway and the Delhi Metro while he served as the Managing Director of Delhi Metro Rail Corporation. Later he helmed several other metro projects in key cities.
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