Idukki (Kerala):Police arrested a man for allegedly raping a 46-year-old specially-abled woman after locking her elderly aged mother in Kerala's Idukki. The incident took place in Karimkunnam near Thodupuzha. The accused has been identified as Manu, a resident of Karimkunnam. According to police sources, the accused had come to the victim's house for maintenance work. When he reached there, only the mother and daughter were present at the house.
The accused locked the mother in a room and sexually abused the daughter and fled the spot. The mother herself took her daughter to the hospital in Thodupuzha. The victim's mother then lodged a complaint at the police station. She said in her complaint that Manu had molested her daughter on April 4. Based on the complaint, the accused was arrested by the Karimkunnam police and Thodupuzha DYSP.