Thiruvananthapuram: In its ongoing tussle with the Governor, the Kerala government on Tuesday appointed eminent dancer Mallika Sarabhai as the Chancellor of Kerala Kalamandalam Deemed to be University for Art and Culture. There has been a standoff between Governor Arif Mohammed Khan and the LDF government over the appointment of Vice Chancellors, functioning of universities and other issues.
In the latest instance, an order issued by the Cultural Affairs Department said that Mallika Sarabhai has been chosen for the top post as per a clause of the Memorandum of Association of the Kalamandalam which says that "the Chancellor shall be an eminent person in the field of art and culture appointed by the sponsoring body."
State Cultural Affairs Minister V N Vasavan's office later said that the LDF government believes that the appointment of Sarabhai as Chancellor would be highly beneficial for the institution. Born as the daughter of renowned dancer Mrinalini Sarabhai and space scientist Vikram Sarabhai, Mallika Sarabhai is a world renowned Bharatanatyam and Kuchipudi performer, an official statement said.