Madurai: The Madras High Court on Tuesday referred the petition seeking the translocation of the rogue elephant Arikomban to Kerala, to the Forest Bench of the court. The Public Interest Litigation was referred to the Forest Bench by a division bench of Justice R Subramanian and Justice Victoria Gowri. “We are not experts.
I'll post it before the forest bench comprising Justices Satish Kumar and Bharatha Chakravarthy,” Justice Subramanian said as the division bench referred the matter to the Forest Bench comprising of Justice N Satish Kumar and Justice D Bharatha Chakravarthy. The bench while referring the PIL further said, "In some matters the authorities have to take a decision...The case appears to be filed for publicity”.
Also read:Watch: 'Arikomban' from Kerala runs amok in Theni
The PIL filed by Kerala animal lover Rebecca Joseph, seeks the translocation of Arikomban to the forest area in Tamil Nadu bordering the Mathikettan Shola National Park in Kerala. In her plea, Rebecca has argued that Arikomban is “familiar” with the forests of the proposed area. Arikomban (rice tusker) known for its fondness for rice and ration shop raids in Kerala, was caught after tranquilization in the Cumbum forest range of Tamil Nadu early on Monday.
Given the danger it posed to the agriculture and human population, the tusker was translocated to Periyar Tiger Reserve on Apr. 29 this year. The Tamil Nadu government is proposing to release the elephant into the Manimutharu forest area of Kalakkad Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve in Tirunelveli district. However animal lover Rebecca Joseph is opposing the move saying the habitat posed danger to the jumbo.