Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala):Amidst the raging controversy over the "modernisation" of Lakshadweep, the Union Territory's Administrator, Praful Khoda Patel is set to reach the islands on Monday, and stay there till June 20.
The "Save Lakshadweep Forum", an umbrella group of local activists and opposition politicians who have been at the forefront of agitations against the new reforms of the Administrator, have already announced that they would stage protest marches in the islands.
Ever since Patel, a former Gujarat Home Minister, assumed office as the Administrator, there have been concerted protests against his style of functioning with the opposition charging that he is bent on destroying the culture of the island, a charge denied by the Administrator's office. Lakshadweep District Collector S. Askar Ali told IANS that the Administrator is reaching on Monday and will continue to stay there till Sunday. "He will be reviewing a slew of projects in the power sector, hospitals, and schools at the Agatti, Kavaratti, Minicoy, Androth and Kalpeni islands."
While Members of Parliament from Kerala had petitioned the Administrator to allow them to visit the islands to have a first-hand study on the new measures being implemented, film-maker Aisha Sultana, a native of Lakshadweep, was slapped with sedition charges after she made an observation during a discussion in a television channel that the Union government had used "Bio Weapon" on the people of Lakshadweep.
Read: TN CM Stalin, Vaiko demand recall of Lakshadweep administrator Praful Patel