Kozhikode (Kerala): Fazil Kottammal had boarded the Air India Express flight, carrying stranded expatriates from Dubai to Kozhikode, on Friday. His mind was extremely busy chalking out plans for the work to be done once he got home - for he was getting married.
Fazil was to go straight to his house in Kodiyathur, a village in Kozhikode district of Kerala, after landing at the Karipur Airport. His family was awaiting his arrival to start with the Nikah arrangements.
As the aircraft he boarded touched down at Karipur, Fazil was overwhelmed by the feeling of reaching home after a long wait. However, that happiness was extremely short-lived.
"Everything happened all of a sudden. The next 3-4 seconds the aircraft ran through the runway at high speed. Then we heard a loud, horrifying noise and it was dark everywhere. The flight had crashed," Fazil recounted the horror of that fateful night.
Fazil somehow escaped through the first crack he saw on the broken aircraft. When he got out, he could hear screams for help from people inside. But nothing could be done. He had injuries all over his body. However, he informed his family before he lost consciousness and told them that they need not worry.