Thiruvananthapuram: With the triple lockdown regulations in place in the capital city, the government’s administration centre - the secretariat - remains locked down, for the first time in 18 years. It is also the first time that all the state ministers including the Chief Minister shifted their offices from the secretariat building to their official residences.
It was in 2002, that the secretariat had to remain closed due to a large scale protest by the government employees against cutting down their salary benefits. Thereafter, this is the first time that the functions at the secretariat have been stopped completely and the premises remain closed.
The Chief Minister’s office in the North Block of the Secretariat building has been shifted to the Cliff House, his official residence. All other ministers followed suit and shifted their offices to their residences.
Meanwhile, Thiruvananthapuram corporation limits remain under triple lockdown, following a spike in coronavirus cases. The announcement came hours after the Tourism Minister said the district was 'sitting on an active volcano' with a rising number of COVID-19 cases and there was no guarantee that there would be no community spread.
Read: Triple lockdown in Thiruvananthapuram from July 6