Kochi:The Kerala High Court on Thursday rejected a plea challenging the recent selection of the 'melsanthi' or head priest of the Lord Ayyappa shrine at Sabarimala. A bench of Justices Anil K Narendran and G Girish said that after considering the submissions and perusing the video clippings and CCTV footage of the election process "we find no reason to interfere with the selection" of the melsanthi of Sabarimala Sree Dharma Sastha Temple.
"In the result, the challenge made in this writ petition against the selection of the 5th respondent (Mahesh P N) as melsanthi of Sabarimala Sree Dharma Sastha Temple for the year 1199 ME (2023-24) fails for the aforesaid reasons," the bench said. The plea was moved by Madhusoodanan Namboothiri, a devotee of Lord Ayyappa, challenging the selection of Mahesh P N as melsanthi of the hill-top shrine and seeking direction from the Travancore Devaswom Board to conduct the selection process afresh.
Namboothiri had alleged that the Special Commissioner, Sabarimala, after folding and rolling the paper containing the name of Mahesh, did not roll it by using both palms, before putting it into the pot, as was done in the case of the other lots. "This also happened while rolling the paper which contained the writing 'melsanthi'," he had claimed in his plea.
The petitioner had contended that while shaking the pots, the unrolled paper pieces having less density and more area than that of the rolled paper pieces will come to the top, making the child, who has to draw the lots, take the unrolled paper pieces first. This is actually what resulted in the selection of Mahesh as the melshanti, he had claimed.