Ernakulam:The Kerala High Court on Wednesday has ordered sister Lucy Kalappura to vacate the Franciscan Clarist Convent at Karakkamala, stating that it will provide her police protection only outside the convent premises. A bench led by Justice Rajavijayaraghavan observed that the Vatican had rejected the review petition of sister Lucy against the decision of Franciscan Clarist Congregation (FCC) to expel her for 'failing' to explain her lifestyle, which allegedly violated church rules.
During the hearing, sister Lucy pleaded with the high court to not make her leave the convent since she had been a nun there for decades. However, the Kerala HC stated that 'protection to life' will be granted to sister Lucy whenever she chooses to stay but only outside the convent.
Read:|Kerala HC directs cops to ensure protection to nun
This is the first time, a nun defended herself in court after no lawyer was ready to represent sister Lucy. Sister Lucy asked the court to give her time to approach the civil court. During the hearing, sister Lucy said, "Do not throw me out on the streets. Many nuns like me would be thrown into the street."
Meanwhile, a case is pending in the civil court against her expulsion from the FCC monastery. Sister Lucy asked the court to allow her to remain in the monastery until a decision was made in the case. Talking to reporters, sister Lucy responded said that she would not leave the monastery whether police protection was provided or not.