Kochi (Kerala): The Kerala High Court has directed well-known television serial actor Jayan S, also known as Adithyan, to surrender to the police in connection with a dowry harassment case lodged against him by his wife and said that after recording his arrest and his interrogation he shall be released on bail. Justice ShircyV directed the actor to surrender on July 13 and said that he shall be released on bail, thereafter, subject to his furnishing a bond of Rs 1 lakh with two sureties of the like amount.
The other conditions laid down by the court were that he would appear before the investigating officer as and when required, he shall cooperate with the investigation and trial in the case, he shall not directly or indirectly threaten or induce any witness in the case, will not tamper with the evidence and he shall not visit the residence of his estranged wife.
The court also directed him not to cause any disturbance to the work of his wife -- Ambili Devi -- who is also an actor and runs a dance school, and not give any interviews in any channel or in social media regarding his marital life nor pass any derogatory remarks which would affect her reputation. The wife has also been directed not to give any interviews regarding her marital life.
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The order came on the anticipatory bail plea moved by Adithyan fearing arrest in the case lodged against him for dowry harassment, criminal intimidation and uttering obscene words in a public place on the complaint of his estranged wife. In her complaint, she had alleged that he had misappropriated her gold ornaments of about 100 sovereigns and the Rs 10 lakh in her account and also subjected her to severe mental and physical harassment.