Pathanamthitta (Kerala):The Kerala Forest Department has launched 'Ayyan', a new app to guide the Sabarimala pilgrims. The app will provide information in five languages namely Malayalam, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu and Hindi.
The app is aimed at helping pilgrims who plan to visit Sabarimala during the upcoming Mandala-Makaravilakku season. Pilgrims can access all information related to the puja details to all other nitty gritty related to the visit through the app. Pilgrims can know about the transport facilities available on the Pampa-Sannidhanam-Swami Ayyappan Road, Pampa-Nilimala-Sannidhanam, Erumeli-Azhutakadav-Pamba, Satram-Uppupara-Sannidhanam routes through the app.
Next, information about service centers, medical emergency units, accommodations, elephant squad teams, public toilets as well as the distance from each base to Sannidhanam will be available in the app. This apart, the app will also provide contact details of fire brigade and police outposts. This apart, information about free drinking water distribution points and distance between the centres along traditional trekking routes can be easily received through the app.