Alappuzha: Amid the nationwide COVID-19 lockdown, Kerala Health Minister KK Shailaja has arranged transport facility for a couple, whose two-year-old child is suffering from eye cancer to a hospital in Hyderabad for a chemotherapy session.
The family of child Anvita, who lives in Alappuzha left for Hyderbad this morning in a special ambulance arranged by the Kerala government.
Kerala govt arranges travel for Anvita's chemotherapy amid lockdown The State Health Minister intervened after the child's parents sought help from the government to arrange transport for them amid the lockdown as Anvita has to undergo the second intra-arterial chemotherapy.
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Speaking about the Anvita and her family, Shailaja said: "The child and her parents are heading to Hyderabad this morning for treatment of eye cancer. With the support of the government of Kerala, the parents and the child are travelling to Hyderabad by ambulance. All efforts are made to provide the best treatment for Anvita."
Anvita underwent her first chemotherapy at a hospital in Hyderabad in March this year.
In his address to the nation on March 24, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had announced a 21-day lockdown in the country to contain the spread of novel coronavirus.