Thiruvananthapuram: After a string of cases related to dowry harassment came to the fore, the Kerala government has introduced stringent plans to end the practice of dowry in the state. The Pinarayi Vijayan-led government has announced that November 26 will be observed as anti-dowry day in the state. On the same day, the students from school to college level have been requested to take an oath to not give or receive dowry. The order was issued by the Director of the Women and Child Welfare department.
Meanwhile, male government officials who are yet to get married must also produce an affidavit that they will not take any kind of dowry in the future. The affidavit must be signed by the bride and parents (from both sides). It should be submitted to the head of the office in the prescribed format within one month after the marriage.
The District Head of each department should codify the information and give it to the Women and Child Welfare Officer once in six months. Property and valuable security, given or agreed to be given before or after marriage, will come under the category of dowry. Any person giving or taking dowry shall be punishable with imprisonment which shall not be less than five years and also a fine of Rs 15,000. Any person demanding dowry, directly or indirectly, will be imprisoned for up to two years and fined up to Rs 10,000.