Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala):The officials of the Customs Department (Preventive) probing the dollar smuggling case, on Friday recorded the statement of Kerala Assembly Speaker P Sreeramakrishnan's assistant private secretary who appeared at the central agency office here in response to summons, official sources said.
He was summoned to the Customs (Preventive) Office in Kochi to record his statements on the dollar smuggling case.
The official, K Ayyappan, appeared before the probe officials at Customs (Preventive) Commissionerate at 10: 00 am and left the office at 7 pm.
The notice asking Ayyappan to appear for questioning was delivered at his residential address on Thursday after the Speaker maintained that his prior permission was required to interrogate a member of his personal staff.
The Customs had responded strongly criticising to it on Thursday and went on to serve a fresh notice to K Ayyappan at his residence summoning him for interrogation on the dollar smuggling case.
The central agency had earlier issued summons to Ayyappan at his official address in connection with the probe into the case related to alleged smuggling of USD 1,90,000 (equivalent to Rs 1.30 crore) by a former finance head of the UAE Consulate in Thiruvananthapuram to Muscat in Oman.