Thiruvananthapuram:Kerala, the state with the highest literacy rate in India, has added another feather in its hat amid all challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, conducting over 6,000 online classes in which more than 43 lakh students from pre-primary standard to Class 12 attended.
The digital classes, titled 'First Bell', commenced from June 1, 2020, as an interim arrangement for regular classes, and are telecast through the government-owned KITE VICTERS educational channel, under the KITE (Kerala Infrastructure and Technology for Education), officials said.
The telecast of all classes for Class 10 was complete by January 17, and that of Class 12 by Saturday.
To date, the KITE has developed and broadcast 6,200 class videos as part of the First Bell programme -- over 3,100 hours of educational content.
The focus area for each subject was published by the General Education Department and based on that, the revision classes are being arranged from January 31 onwards.
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"Initially, we planned the First Bell programme for a period of two months only but the Covid-19 situation demanded it to extend throughout the academic year", said K. Anvar Sadath, CEO, KITE.