Thiruvananthapuram: In an effort to empower women, Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Wednesday announced that henceforth an online complaint registration portal named 'Aparajitha' will resolve cyber crimes against women and complaints on offences against women including domestic abuse also can be submitted there. He further informed that a nodal officer has been assigned to investigate and resolve complaints regarding dowry. In a series of tweets, he wrote, "Domestic Conflict Resolution Center in every district works online to resolve complaints on atrocities against women. Directed the DGP to enhance its operations and resolve the complaints received without delay. From now on, 'Aparajitha', the online service to resolve cyber crimes against women can be used to submit complaints on offences against women and domestic abuse too. Mail or call 9497996992."
"A state nodal officer has been assigned to investigate and resolve complaints regarding dowry. A woman SI will be assisting the nodal officer. Complaints can be submitted by phone at 9497999955. Exhort everyone to use this service effectively. Let's curb the social stigma!" he added. The Chief Minister also strongly condemned the "pompous show" of the marriage system in the country and said that the "dowry system degrades our daughters as commodities". "As a society, we need to reform the prevailing marriage system. Marriage must not be a pompous show of the family's social status and wealth. Parents have to realise that the barbaric dowry system degrades our daughters as commodities. We must treat them better, as human beings," he wrote.
Also read: Kerala govt moots helpline for dowry harassment after woman tortured to death by husband