Pathanamthitta (Kerala):Krithikesh Varma, a class one student belonging to Ernakulam, has been selected to draw the lots to select the new chief priests of Sabarimala. Whereas, fourth class student Pournami G Varma will draw lots for chief priest of Malikappuram temple. The children were selected by Tirunal Raghava Varma, the senior king of Panthalam Palace.
The practice of sending children for drawing the lots for chief priests is based on the Supreme Court's order in 2011. Krithikesh Varma is the son of Anoop Varma of Pandhalam Mundakkal palace and Parvathy Varma of Mangala Mutt, Ernakulam. He is studying at Bhavans Vidyamandir, Girinagar, Ernakulam.