Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala): The Kerala government on Friday dismissed from service an assistant motor vehicle inspector, who was accused of torturing and harassing his wife, who committed suicide at his residence in June.
State Transport Minister Antony Raju told the media here that the action was taken against the assistant motor vehicle inspector S Kiran Kumar as per the Kerala Civil Service Rules, 1960. 'The government has decided to dismiss him from service. His anti-women, anti-social activities have tarnished the reputation of the state government and motor Vehicles Department and hence action has been taken under the Kerala Civil Service Rules, 1960,' Raju said.
Vismaya was found hanging in the bathroom of her husband Kiran Kumar's house at Sasthamkotta in Kollam district on June 21. Kumar, an assistant motor vehicle inspector, since suspended, was arrested later on a complaint by her parents and brother, alleging that he had tortured and harassed her for dowry. The Minister said Kumar was dismissed from service after the department made inquiries regarding the incident and also hearing the accused and other witnesses.
Read: Kollam dowry death case: Strong evidence of torture in the case says investigation officer