Kasaragod (Kerala): Albin Benny, 22, who was arrested by the Police on Thursday in connection with the murder of Ann Mary, his 16-year-old sister, and the attempt to wipe out all his family, was taken to Vellarikkundu town in Kasaragod district of Kerala to collect evidence in the case on Friday.
The police team identified and gathered evidence from the shop from which Benny had bought rat poison to lace the ice cream and murder his family. Evidence was also collected from the bakery in the town from where he had bought ingredients needed to make ice cream.
The police found out that Albin had used the mobile phone that was gifted to him by his father Benny just a week ago. The police discovered that Albin had also established ‘friendships’ with many married, young women through social media platforms in the meantime.
The culprit studied on poisons in detail and ‘learnt’ from the internet how to kill his family by lacing poison in their food, using the phone gifted to him by his dad. Benny had gifted Albin a mobile phone which cost him around Rs 16,000 a week prior to the incident. Ironically, it was being used by Albin to plan the murder of Benny, his wife and his daughter.