Thiruvananthapuram: Union Minister for Information and Broadcasting Prakash Javadekar on Wednesday released the election manifesto for the Bharatiya Janta Party for the upcoming Kerala Assembly elections, which promises new legislation for Sabrimala, at least one job for every family, six gas cylinders for BPL families and free laptops for high school students.
The landless among the scheduled caste and scheduled tribe families will be given free titles. It also commits itself to move legislations to secure Sabarimala for the faithful and to stop 'Love Jihad' and a ban on forcible religious conversions.
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Other highlights of the manifesto include Social welfare pension to be raised to Rs 3500, a strict ban on the 'Nokkukooli' and 'Attimari Kooli ' (unhealthy trade union practices in Kerala). It promises eligibility test before the main PSC examination to be stopped and KIFB to be restructured in line with Constitutional provisions and be subjected to CAG audit.
Javadekar termed the manifesto as "dynamic, progressive and development-oriented."
"Our manifesto focuses on Kerala's holistic development with provisions for jobs, terror and hunger-free state, the law on Sabarimala, and 'love jihad'," he said.
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