Kollam (Kerala) :Gross negligence of the staff surfaced at a hospital in Kerala's Kollam where they replaced an old man's dead body with another body and handed it over to his relatives. The incident took place on Saturday morning at Kollam's Kadakkal Taluk Hospital. Instead of the body of old man Vamadeva (68), who was a native of Kadakkal Vachikonam, the hospital staff handed over the body of another deceased person to his relatives.
Later, it was found that the body of one Rajendran Neelakandan was given to the relatives of the old man. When the body was brought home for last rites, Vamadeva's relatives realised that the mortal remains were not those of the old man. They came to know about the change of body. Then they immediately took the dead body to the hospital and informed the staff there.