Kochi: Actor Parvathy Thiruvoth resigned from the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA) in protest against remarks made by the association's General Secretary about a survivor in the actor assault case. She announced her resignation in a Facebook post on Monday. She stated his remarks as ‘utterly disgusting.’
The statement made by AMMA General Secretary Idavela Babu in an interview in a regional channel pushed her to quit the association.
Parvathy’s Facebook post in both Malayalam and English read:" In 2018 when my friends resigned from AMMA, I stayed back thinking at least a few should continue to work within a broken system and help repair it. But after watching AMMA General Secretary speak to Reporter TV's Nikesh Kumar, I have abandoned all hope that anything will ever change within this association. His utterly disgusting and mortifying remark comparing a woman member who had been badly let down by this organisation and consequently left it, to a dead person is beyond correction."