Thiruvananthapuram: Fifteen days have passed since the state government launched defensive measures aimed at reducing the Covid Test Positivity Rate (TPR) in the state below 10. But the health department has not been able to achieve this goal even for a single day.
TPR in the state is five times higher than the national average
The average TPR for the last one week is 10.41 per cent. The number of infected people is above ten thousand every day. These are the worst figures in India. The TPR is more than 10 in the state, while the national average stood at 2.42. Kerala also leads in the number of Covid patients reported every day.
No explanations from the Health Department
The Department of Health has not yet given an official explanation about where Kerala, which gained international recognition for its model in handling the covid cases in the first wave, has gone wrong. According to the Department of Health, the reason for the widespread Covid cases is that people are failing to comply with the Covid regulations. The Health Department is of the opinion that the only reason for increase in the covid test positivity rate is the public.